About Me

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Wife to an amazing husband, Mommy to three adorable littles, all under the age of three! I survive my days as a SAHM with decorating, coffee, organizing, playing with the family, baking, crafting, having playdates, and working towards a closer relationship with God. I have a big heart for foster care/adoption! I am an imperfect perfectionist who strives daily to improve my role as wife, mother and child of God.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gratitude---way too behind!

I had great intentions and made it two weeks with my kiddos and their thoughts on gratitude.  Once it was crunch time on my craft show and I was gone all weekend, things just didn't happen.  This, was one of them.

One thing that did happen, was my hubby's 32nd birthday!  We celebrated at dinner tonight with the kids and will take a trip away by ourselves on a weekend soon!  We had pizza takeout, frosty mug root beer and the kids helped me make a cherry cheesecake!

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