Wife to an amazing husband, Mommy to three adorable littles, all under the age of three! I survive my days as a SAHM with decorating, coffee, organizing, playing with the family, baking, crafting, having playdates, and working towards a closer relationship with God. I have a big heart for foster care/adoption! I am an imperfect perfectionist who strives daily to improve my role as wife, mother and child of God.
Jay and Ri trick-or-treating with Daddy Blurry "Charlie Brown" Kids and Friends Pre-Trick-or Treat Poses The Thursday before Halloween, the kids got to dress up at school and trick-or-treat through the church office and have a little carnival, along with classroom parties! They enjoyed some of their loot after school! Mylesie particularly liked the Oreos! I paid a total of $12 for the kids' costumes this year...not too bad! Ri's apron was a gift from YaYa and Poppy for her birthday. I just added a little fabric and iron on letters. I bought shorts and a shirt for Mylesie's costume. Just painted on the stripe. Jayden's was just a big boy shirt cut, painted and I already had the blue material for the tie. Love cheap!! Love my little Fred Flintstone...his hair is perfect!
Fun costumes! They all looked so cute!