Wife to an amazing husband, Mommy to three adorable littles, all under the age of three! I survive my days as a SAHM with decorating, coffee, organizing, playing with the family, baking, crafting, having playdates, and working towards a closer relationship with God. I have a big heart for foster care/adoption! I am an imperfect perfectionist who strives daily to improve my role as wife, mother and child of God.
A few weeks ago Ri had hernia surgery. She dealt great with the pre-op and recovery at home. But, watching her wakeup from surgery was so hard. She was hard to comfort. But, once we got through those few hours, she was back to her spunky, life-loving self!
Ri got to have Tea with Belle courtesy of YaYa and Poppy. I tagged along for the photo op! I couldn't miss seeing my sweet girl's awe over the whole thing! She looked so beautiful!! I asked her if she wanted her hair down and curly and she definitely did! It looked so pretty. She loves it down (not so much the process) and she loves to jump and feel her hair bounce. It's the small things! She wore her Belle costume, yellow rose earrings and I let her wear some makeup. You could tell she felt special! It was a fun night for her, especially getting to go to see the production of Beauty and the Beast afterward and watch her Uncle Reece perform! Such a special night!! She came home and wanted to sleep in her dress! Precious!!! Okay, she looks way too old! Seriously, three years old?!? She will be banned from makeup until she's 30!
Jay and Ri trick-or-treating with Daddy Blurry "Charlie Brown" Kids and Friends Pre-Trick-or Treat Poses The Thursday before Halloween, the kids got to dress up at school and trick-or-treat through the church office and have a little carnival, along with classroom parties! They enjoyed some of their loot after school! Mylesie particularly liked the Oreos! I paid a total of $12 for the kids' costumes this year...not too bad! Ri's apron was a gift from YaYa and Poppy for her birthday. I just added a little fabric and iron on letters. I bought shorts and a shirt for Mylesie's costume. Just painted on the stripe. Jayden's was just a big boy shirt cut, painted and I already had the blue material for the tie. Love cheap!! Love my little Fred Flintstone...his hair is perfect!