We've had snow on the ground since Thursday and tomorrow marks day two of no school! I think I'm one of the few parents that is happy to be home with the kiddos! I love having no obligations, staying in jammies, cooking lots of food, and it's been a treat having my brother-in-law staying with us and having his girlfriend over a lot! Fun times of late movies and junk food fests!

This is the first time all three kids wanted to be in the snow and for an extended period of time! Jayden loved diving head first into the snow and immediately would stick his tongue out and eat it! Too funny!

Mariah and Myles loved pelting Daddy with snowballs!

Salt dough ornament painting (with Q-tips). Kept them entertained for quite some time! Fun, easy and not messy! We made handprint reindeer, too, but those were mostly made by me. They got to cut these out and paint them by themselves. More fun for them!

Myles absolutely adores Hannah! Pretty sure he'd try to steal her away from his uncle if he were old enough;)

So happy to have Uncle Reece back! And, the kids are thrilled each morning when they realize that he's still at our house!!
Tomorrow, my little guy is officially FOUR! Goodbye threes! You will not be missed;)